Hepatitis C virus




Classification and Characteristics



Transmission and Infection

The risk of vertical transmission is 4-7%, higher if mother is co-infected with HIV.


Pathogenicity and Virulence



Clinical Manifesations

HCV has a 2-26 week incubation period (avg 6-7 weeks), with mild-flulike symptoms. Most people are not diagnosed with acute HCV.

chronic disease in 40-70%; perhaps 15% of people clear the virus

The disease can progress faster in males, with increased alcohol intake, age over 40 years at the time of infection, HIV or HBV co-infection.






Prevention is key: screening of transfused blood and organs.

No vaccine; none in development due to rapidly mutation of virus. Immunoglobulin for post-exposure prophylaxis is not available for the same reason.

Can eradicate the virus with some treatment