Qualitative Research




What is Qualitative Research?

Quantitative research

Positivist - proving things definitively. We've since moved past this to postpositivist, a more uncertain stance. Emperical or scientific views currently preside, in which we observe and make deductions as best we can.


Constructivist - more around relationships, creates understanding



Is it rigorous research or


Can qualitative research be called evidence-based?




How to Do Qualitative Research

"We should be on our guard not to overestimate science and scientific methods when it is a question of human problems; and we should not assume that experts are the only ones who have a right to express themselves on questions affecting the organization of society." -Albert Einstein.


Gather preliminary data first before implementing.


Deciding on a Research Question

Too broad a research question and the research project may soon collapse.

Through a thorough literature search, find the information gaps and set out to meet them!

Pick a topic about which you are passionate.


Data quality and trustworthiness are absolutely key.

Travel with folks with whom you can discuss ideas and findings.


You want to make sure the data is reliable and trustworthy by using different people to do the same job. If people disagree, it is important to come to consensus.


Saturation: evaluating and repeating data until no new themes emerge

Authenticity and trustworthiness of data


Theoretical Framework


Grounded theory - build upwards, from the data towards theory.



Feminist theory

Critical theory


Case Study


Gathering Data

Talk with people in their natural settings.

Explore situations, perspectives, and experiences.

The purpose is to increase understanding.


Use inductive approaches and interpretation.



Recruiting People

newspaper, radio, mailouts, bingo halls, churches

how do you contact people in such a way as to protect their privacy?


focus groups



Triangulation in qualitative research

get data from different groups of people, and hopefully their thoughts converge (tringulate) at a certain spot.


Make sure you have well-described and appropriate methods and analysis!



Results need to be clearly derived and flow naturally from the analysis.

Use sufficient quotations to support quality of evidence.

Make sure you identifiy limitations.




Researcher and the Research


Should marginalized people be researched? There are some ethical concerns around this - is it ethical to attempt to represent others without really knowing their stories?


Values and bias are to be reported and indeed embraced.

The researcher's world view comes strongly into play.


The researchers should explicitly locate herself in the story:

They talk about locatedness or situatedness





Benefits of Qualitative Research


Rich, rich analysis of a certain thing.




Difficulties of Qualitative Research


Multiple perspectives and multiple realities











Evaluating Qualitative Research


Is the literature review current and relevant?

Are the purpose and research questions clearly stated and relevant?

Does the introduction build a logical case and context for study?

Does the study use theoretical framework?


What is the study design?

Are methods clearly described and appropriate?

Are sampling methods and size appropriate?

Is analysis appropriate and clearly described?





Qualitative Research Outcomes



self-management outcomes:





Resources and References