Endometriosis and Adenomyosis

Endometriosis is the growth of endometrium outside the uterus. It occurs in 15-30% of premenopausal women, with a prevalence of 2%. Its mean age of presentation is 25-30 years old.



Causes and Risk Factors


Risk factors include:






Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis


  • history
  • physical exam
  • lab investigations
  • diagnostic imaging


Endometriosis can be asymptomatic, but pain, not correlate with extent of disease, is very common.

Cyclic pain often begins a few days before menstruation and worsens until flow ceases.

Dyspareunia is also often present.

Other symptoms include:

  • secondary dysmenorrhea
  • infertility
  • bleeding between menses
  • backache with menstruation
  • rectal pain
  • rectal bleeding


Physical Exam

Lab Investigations

Diagnostic Imaging






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Consequences and Course



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Resources and References