Support - partner, family, friends, RN, MSW, MD, prenatal classes, exercise program.
Motherrisk offer advice regarding pharmacotherapy
Exposure through placenta, amniotic fluid, and lactation
SSRIs show no increase in miscarriage and no teratogenicity; no adverse effects on cognition, language, or temperament up to 2006. Possible low birth weight and moderate premature delivery.
20-30% of newborns exposed during the 3rd trimester develop neonatal adaptation syndrome - transient, mild, increa:sed crying and feeding problems).
JAMA 2006 - persistent pumonary hypertension of the newborn. Risk increases from 1-2 to 6-12/1000; 99.5% of children are ok.
CVS abnormality with paroxetine: risk increases from 1:100 to 1:50.
Pros and cons; treat in warranted.
Other medications include: TCAs (desipramine, nortryptiline), venlafaxine, bupoprion; avoid MAOIs.
ECT can safely be used as lifesaving treatment during pregnancy.