last authored: Sept 2009, David LaPierre
Intra-abdominal abscess can be a serious complication of gastrointestinal conditions or surgery. Their formation is often indolent, making diagnosis at times difficult.
The most common causes include:
Other causes include:
Organisms commonly include:
Abscesses represent local collections of pus walled off by inflammation, omentum, or viscera.
Presenting symptoms are diverse and include:
Subphrenic abscesses can cause:
Pelvic abscesses can cause:
History of abdominal surgery
Physical exam can reveal
elevated WBC is often present
needle aspiration can be used to perform gram stain and culture
Percutaneous drainage is the first line treated, guidied by CT.
Intra-abdominal abscesses can be drained percutaneously.
Iv antibiotics should be given at the same time, emperically and then according to culture results.
Surgical intervention is indicated if drainage fails