
A potent opioid




morphine sites of action

1. Nociceptors

acts peripherally to decrease excitiability of sensory nerves

2. Spinal Cord

- prevents ascending pain transmission by binding presynaptic μ receptors, decreasing calcium influx and preventing vesicle release, especially glutamate

- binds postsynaptic μ receptors, increasing K+ influx and hyperpolarizes post-synaptic neurons

3. Supraspinal Sites

Disinhibition: activates μ receptors on descending GABA-releasing neurons in the periacqueductal gray in the midbrain, inhibiting them and inducing NE and 5-HT-production of pain inhibitory neurons. This leads to spinal block

4. Limbic System

affects emotional experience of pain, causing euphoria



Dose and Half Life


Adverse Drug Reactions

short term

long term

Counter-Indications and Drug Interactions


Metabolism and Excretion

