
Corticosteroids are exogenous glucocorticoids important in immunosuppresion in a variety of illnesses.

can possess both glucocorticoid and mineralcorticoid activity, though a reduction on MC activity is desirable.

These drugs are synthesized from cholic acid isolated from cattle or plants.





Immune System

Corticosteroids have profound effects on inflammation, reducing the concentration, distribution, and function of leukocytes and suppressing inflammatory cytokines and chemokines.

Following a dose of short-acting steroid, the number of circulating neutrophils increases, due to bone marrow mobilization and decreased extravasation, while the number of circulating lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils decreases as they return to lymphoid tissue.

Macrophages and other APCs reduce their function



Topical steroids cause vasoconstriction, possibly by attenuating mast cell degranulation. Capillary permeability is also decreased through the reduction of histamine release.



Corticosteroids help control transplant rejection by reducing antigen expression in grafted tissue, delaying revascularization, and interfering with T cell sensitization and B cell activation.




Like endogenous glucocorticoids, corticosteroids' effects are mediated by nuclear receptors, inhibiting the function of transcription factors such as AP1 or NF-kB. These TFs have broad action on regulation of growth factors and proinflammatory cytokines.

Corticosteroids influence most cells of the body. Major metabolic impacts are due to direct action of these drugs on the cell, but other important effects are mediated by insulin and glucagon.


Mediate many anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects by inhibiting IL1beta, ppase A2, COX-2

Glucocorticoids must be activated by 11beta HSD1 (hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase).



stability is affected by C1,2 double bond, C9 F, and C16 hydroxylation or methylation



Delivery Routes



Adverse Drug Reactions

The side effects of corticosteroids are numerous and serious.


They include:

50 mg for more than 7 days is bad for some reason.





Contraindications and Drug Interactions

CBG levels are increased by estrogen, hyperthyroidism, diabetes

CBG levels are decreased by genetics, hypothyroidism, and protein deficiency states


Corticosteroid metabolism increased by barbiturates, phenytoin, mitotane, aminoglutethmide, rifampin.


Metabolism and Excretion



Rapid reduction in corticosteroid