Mental and Behavioural Health Content

  • choices, conditions
    and diseases
  • presentations

  • history, physical exam,
    and delivery of care
  • investigations

  • treatments

  • biology and the
    human experience

Choices, Conditions and Diseases

Students will be expected to be able to describe the causes and risk factors, pathology, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and complications of the following conditions and diseases:

Fraternal Twins, by Robert King


Students will be able to describe common and important causes of the following presentations, and the initial clinical assessment, diagnostic investigations, and management of:

History and Physical Exam

Students will be expected to describe the purpose of, and demonstrate, the following aspects of clinical assessment:


  • improved interviewing techniques
  • developing a therapeutic relationship
  • use of a genogram


Learners will be able to describe and work alongside the following:

  • appropriate referrals
  • shared care
  • involuntary admission


Students will be able to describe the methodology, indications, contraindications, and limitations of the following investigations:


Students will be able to describe the rationale, methodology, indications, contraindications, and limitations of the following treatments:

lifestyle changes



  • psychiatric certification
  • community treatment plans
  • substitute decision makers



Students will be able to describe the structure and function related to:


mind and being