Diabetes requires close dietary control. Diabetes is expensive.
20.6% FI in Stacey's diabetes children
FI paients more likely to have all sorts of chronic disease and mental health problems
In food-insecure families, childrens are more likely to
Child hunger assessment
Children who were food insecure (Alimo et al, Pediatrics 2001)
Children with hunger have low birth weight, poor health status, more likely depressed, etc Weinreb et al, Pediatrics, 2002
OR 2.4 for iron deficiency anemia in FI households (Skalicky et al, Mat and Child Health, 2006)
Jyoti et al, J. Nutrition, 2005 - FI predicted imapired reading and math skills over all, and poor social skills for boys
behavour problems (Whitaker et al, Peds, 2006)
Resources and References