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  • retina
  • pupil
  • cornea



Retina, with fovea in centre and optic disc on right


The retina is set up backwards, with light passes though the nerve fibres and interneurons before striking the rods and cones.


Information leaves the rods and cones and crosses ribbon synapses onto bipolar cells, which have graded potentials. These synapse with ganglion cells that generate spikes.


There are also interneurons, and a great deal of information processing occurs even before information leaves the eye.


Ganglion cells converge on the optic disc, forming the beginnings of the optic nerve (CN II).


Rods and Cones

Rods are vey sensitive to light, operating best at night. A rod can detect a single photon, but it is very slow (perhaps 1 second).


Cones are designed for visual acuity and color perception, and are enriched in the fovea. Cones detect perhaps 100 photons but are 100 times faster.


cells are depolarized in the dark; CNG channels allowing Na and K in.

cGMP activates rhodopsin and phosphodiesterase is involved too.

in light, hyperpolarization leads to



Pupillary Control

The sympathetic system dilates the pupil via radial iris muscles. Axons leave the cervical cord in the first thoracic root, travel around the lung, and synapse in the superior cervical gangion. Postganglionic fibres join the opthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve near its entrance to the orbit. Damage results in Horner's syndrome.


The parasympathetic system constricts the pupil via smooth muscle in the pupillary sphincter. Fibres travel along CN III (oculomotor) from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus.



Pupillary Reflexes


Direct and Consensual Constriction

Light shone in one eye constricts both pupils. Information travels along the optic nerve (CN II), enters the superior colliculus, and synapses in the pretectal nucleus, located between the midbrain and thalamus. These cells project bilaterally to parasympathetic neurons in the Edinger-Wesphal nuclei, immediately adjacent to the CN III nucleus. Preganglionic axons travel to the ciliary ganglion, where postganglionic neurons leave to constrict pupilary smooth muscle.



Near Reflex

  • lens changes shape, eyes converge, pupils constrict
  • involves cortical processing, Edinger-Westphal nucleus and CN III output


Relative Afferent Pupil Defect

  • picked up by swining flashlight test
  • consensual response constricts a bad eye
  • light shone on the bad eye dilates it
  • suggests optic nerve problems





Pupillary Control


The sympathetic system dilates the pupil via radial iris muscles. Axons leave the cervical cord in the first thoracic root, travel around the lung, and synapse in the superior cervical gangion. Postganglionic fibres join the opthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve near its entrance to the orbit. Damage results in Horner's syndrome.


The parasympathetic system constricts the pupil via smooth muscle in the pupillary sphincter. Fibres travel along CN III (oculomotor) from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus.



Eye Movements

Eye movement tutorial



Types of eye movements

Congugate eye movements are those when the eyes are aligned.


fast eye movements have a velocity of 300-700 deg/sec and include saccades and the quick phase of nystagmus.

Saccades are generated in the retiucluar formation.

slow eye movements have a velocity of 20-50 deg/sec and include:


Control of Eye Movements

There are nine cardinal eye movements, controlled by 6 muscles.

CN III (oculomotor) controls the superior, inferior, and medial rectus and inferior oblique. CN IV (trochlear) controls the superior oblique, while CN VI (abducens) controls the lateral rectus.


Gaze Centres


a right frontal lobe lesion causes deviation to the right


a brain stem stroke causes contralateral paralysis and eye deviation



Images are maintained on the fovea through two mechanisms - the oculomotor system, which controls our eyes, and the head movement system.



The vestibuloocular reflex is controlled by the vestibular system, which sends signals from the vestibular nucleibilaterally along the medial longitudinal fasciculus, through the PPRF (paramedian pontine reticular formation), to the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nuclei.


Lateral gaze is controlled by the pontine gaze centre, which sends signals from the PPRF to CN VI and CN III nuclei via the medial longitudinal fasciculus. Its disruption leads to horizontal disorder.

There are also internuclear connections among the PPRF and nuclei of CN III and VI which also involve the MLF. During lateral gaze, signals are sent from CN VI to CN III to control the medial rectus muscle. An MLF lesion will cause internuclear opthalmoplegia, leaving CN III free to work its magic during convergence but not on lateral gaze.



Pupillary Reflexes

Direct and Consensual Constriction

Light shone in one eye constricts both pupils. Information travels along the optic nerve (CN II), enters the superior colliculus, and synapses in the pretectal nucleus, located between the midbrain and thalamus. These cells project bilaterally to parasympathetic neurons in the Edinger-Wesphal nuclei, immediately adjacent to the CN III nucleus. Preganglionic axons travel to the ciliary ganglion, where postganglionic neurons leave to constrict pupilary smooth muscle.



Near Reflex


Relative Afferent Pupil Defect




Visual Processing


Optic nerve, chiasm, and tract

Ganglion cells coalesce at the optic disc and become myelinated forming the optic nerve. Being continuous with the CNS, the optic nerve, and in fact the sclera is covered with dura. The CNS subarachnoid space is also shared within the optic nerve, and increased intracranial pressure can be seen as papilledema.


The optic continues behind the eye until the optic chiasm. There about 50% of fibres cross. Information from the lateral retina (medial view) remains uncrossed, while that from medial retina (lateral view) crosses. In this way, information from the left side travels to the right hemisphere, and vice versa.


There are no synapses in the optic chiasm, which lies directly above the pituitary. Sinusitis or pituitary tumours can disrupt the visual stream at the chiasm.


The optic tract (or both of them) leaves the chiasm and travels around the cerebral peduncle in the midbrain to synapse within the lateral geniculate nucleus in the thalamus.


Some fibres leave the optic tract and travel to the superior colliculus in the midbrain pretectal area, where they are presumably involved in head and eye tracking.

Other fibres travel to the hypothalamus and synapse on the suprachiasmatic nucleus, providing retinal input for circadian rhythms.


Lateral Geniculate Nucleus

As information synapses within the thalamus, crossed fibres end up in one area, while uncrossed fibres go to others. This maintains retinotopy all the way through.


The LGN receives blood from two sources; problems in one vessel or the other leads to specific visual field loss.

Problems anterior of the geniculate leads to retinal atrophy and paleness; cortical damage won't lead to paleness because it is protected by the synapse.


Geniculocalcarine Pathway

Fibres leaving the LGN travel in a sheet to the occipital lobe, passing alongside and below the ventricles. Temporal fibres process the upper visual field, while fibres passing through the parietal cortex processes the lower visual field


Primary Visual Cortex (Area V1)




Higher Visual Processing

Distinct parts of cortex associated with specific visual functions

right = confugural

left = part-based processing


from V1, the dorsal action stream leaves to the posterior parietal cortex, while the ventral perception stream leaves to the inferotemporal cortex.

The dorsal action stream is involved with movements such as reaching.


Dorsal Action Stream

located in the posterior parietal cortex

Problems with the dorsal action stream "where" lead to:


Ventral Perception Stream

located in the inferotemporal cortex

associated with faces, objects, and words


problems with the ventral perception stream "what" lead to:



object recognition





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