Thanks for considering joining our team of reviewers - our goals certainly could not be met without the help of experts like you from around the world!
While we value the thoughts and perspectives of everyone, we are only able to recognize residents, professors, and qualified health care providers as reviewers.
There are three easy steps to start this process:
Visit our Topic List and select a 'to be reviewed' topic that catches your eye.
Preventing Crashes: cardiovascular resuscitation
Maternal and Newborn Health: topics in blue |
Read our Reviewer Contract to make sure you agree with the terms - SiH is governed by an open-access, Creative Commons license and it’s important you understand you are helping generate accessible health care content for anyone to view.
Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch within 48 hours!
The email will come from (SiH Staff Member’s Name) in case you have a strong filter.
Lots of things!
We acknowledge all contributors by including their biography on their own web page and linking it to the pages they've written and/or illustrated. Students have been including their contributions on CVs and in various school/grant applications as it can be considered a peer-reviewed contribution to health education. Feel free to look through previous authors here.
Content of our e-textbook is aimed at the level of primary care medical/nursing/pharmacy/etc. students.
Students from around the world will be using these resources. It is important to make mention of sophisticated diagnostics or therapeutics available at potentially great cost, but the focus should be understanding the globally-relevant foundations - the biology, pathophysiology, clinical approach, and considerations regarding investigations and treatment.
We provided authors a template document that contains headers – this will help you understand the breadth we’re looking for.
Content should be foundational, aimed at the level of an undergraduate medical or nursing student. Too much detail is unnecessary, and in fact can detract from the learning experience. With all the information out there, the hard part is trying to distill details down to make the topic manageable.
Of course, it is very important to identify errors in text, as well as completeness.
It is NOT necessary to give SPECIFIC treatment guidelines or drug dosages. Authors have been asked to stick with general themes and provide a link to sources of guidelines. This way, readers will know how to find guidelines as they need them, and the job of staying up to date can stay with the experts!
For examples of the style, breadth and depth of our topics, please see the following:
Anticipate spending 1-2 hours reviewing a topic.
Authors need to acknowledge their sources but we don’t want to pepper the article with references.
All photos, videos, illustrations, tables, direct quotes, etc. should be cited in-text.
Ideally we use open-access sources that students can freely go to for more details.
When identifying references, we endeavour to be simple, as shown in the following examples:
Journal article:
TED Talks: Paolo Cardini: Forget Multitasking, try monotasking
McWhinney IR, Freeman T. Textbook of Family Medicine. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.
The author will be required to revise the document to meet your standards. A SiH staff member helps facilitate this process.
Since we use Google Drive, a collaborative online software program for content generation, both you and the author will have access to the document so the author will be able to see your comments, questions and edits and vice versa.
After you and the author are satisfied with the document, a SiH section editor will give final approval to the topic.
You will have a chance to view and sign off on the content before it is posted online.
Thanks again for your interest in reviewing with us!