Authoring Content or Cases



What authors are saying

"Writing for sharing in health is an excellent motivation
to learn a few topics in detail! It's rewarding to know
you've consolidated all the important clinical information
so that others can learn more efficiently."

- Erica Rubin, med student

What's in this for me? Lots of things! Firstly, the feeling that you're making a big difference for students everywhere. Your article will be peer-reviewed, and this can be helpful on the CV. Lastly, perhaps the biggest benefit is a solid understanding of the topic you're writing.


How do I actually go about doing this?

Start by reading our contract to make sure you agree with the terms.


Next, visit our topic list and select a 'to be written' topic that catches your eye. Pick something you are interested in, will learn about during your training (or already have), and want to learn more about.


Fill out the form below and we will email you instructions soon!



anti-spam net; please fill out to show us you're a human



topic you're interested in authoring:

your name:


your email address:

what type of student are you?


where are you studying?





Process of Writing

For examples of the style and feel of our topics, please see the following:


We use google docs as collaborative authoring software; please sign up for a gmail account, if you do not already have one.

The email will come from author @ sharinginhealth . ca in case you have a strong filter.



How do I know how much to write?

Each page has a template, complete with main headings to be covered. We will provide this. Most topics have at least some material already written; we ask that you incorporate this material into the page as possible. If you have questions, please ask!


Content should be foundational, aimed at the level of an undergraduate, medical or nursing student. Too much detail is unnecessary, and in fact can detract from the learning experience. With all the information out there, the hard part is trying to distill details down to make the topic managable.

Some textbooks to use as a reference include:

It is NOT necessary to give SPECIFIC treatment guidelines, and we ask that you not give drug dosages. Stick with general themes and provide a link to sources of guidelines. This way, students will know how to find guidelines as they need them, and the job of staying up to date can stay with the experts!



How do I collaborate with other authors?

Very often, we have students working together while authoring topics. If this is the case for you, we encourage meeting with fellow authors as possible to discuss the topic and the strategy in moving forward. If this is not possible, we nromally use the top of the collaborative doc for discussion points amongst authors.



Where should I get materials from?

Please don't plagarize; summarize, in your own words, what others are saying, and reference where necessary. The text can come from any number of sources, including class notes, textbooks, or websites.


It can be incredibly helpful to provide photos and illustrations for certain topics. These can be created by you, taken from your clinical experiences (respecting patient confidentiality), or found online from the many Open-Access repositories that exist.



How do I reference?

Identify the sources of your information. Ideally these are open-access sources that students can freely go to for more details. It is unnessary to pepper the article with references, unless you are quoting a specific fact or statistic.


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