
last authored: Dec 2009, David LaPierre


venipuncture - Richard Chambers

Procedures are important and common components of diagnosis and treatment.


They are performed by a variety of health care providers. They range from simple and minimally risky to complex and potentially life-threatening. All procedures are a series of motor skills, with significant cognitive and affective requirements as well.





Important Procedures

The following is a ist of procedures important for students in health care programs. Not all students are expected to be able to perform the following.

common procedures







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Preparing the Patient

Patients will often expect learners to be involved if they are part of a teaching hospital or clinic.

Patients want to ensure the learner is being supervised "Is it ok if my student does this together with me? I'll be in the room at all times."

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Procedural Note

Documentation is important.

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Random Thoughts

see one, do one: students often only have access to one-off clinical situations; see 1 do 1 is irrelevant



Additional Resources

AFMC undergraduate medical students competencies


$ Procedures Consult - paid-access videos by Elsevier

Grant.. 2008. British Medical Journal.