
last authored: July 2012, David LaPierre
last reviewed:





Hyperkalemia, or elevated serum potassium, is a common electrolyte abnormality that is associated with adverse clinical outcomes (Weisberg, 2008) and can be life-threatening through the emergence of cardiac arrhythmias.


Hyperkalemia is defined as potassium greater than 5.5 mmol/L. It occurs during 1-10% of hospital admissions.




The Case of John B.

John is a 44 year-old man admitted with pneumonia. On admission, his bloodwork reveals a potassium of 6.6 mmol/L.

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Causes and Risk Factors

Increased Intake

  • diet
  • KCl medication (oral or IV)


Cellular Release

  • hemolysis
  • rhabdomyolysis
  • trauma and tissue damage
  • burns
  • insulin deficiency
  • hyperosmolar states (ie hyperglycemia)
  • metabolic acidosis (not keto/lactic acidosis
  • tumour lysis syndrome
  • cocaine use
  • significant exercise
  • mannitol
  • drugs: beta blockers, digoxin

Decreased Excretion

  • decreased GFR or renal failure
  • low effective circulating volume
  • NSAIDs
  • ACE inhibitors
  • spironolactone
  • hypoaldosteronism
    • Addison disease
  • type IV renal tubular acidosis


Serum K can be falsely elevated due to the following reasons:

  • sample hemolysis
  • prolongued tourniquet
  • extreme leukocytosis or thrombocytosis


  • cyclosporin
  • NSAIDs
  • digoxin
  • heparin
  • ACE inhibitors
  • ARBs
  • some beta blockers, eg carvedilol
  • ethinyl estradiol
  • penicillin
  • succinylcholine
  • tacrolimus
  • trimethoprim



Herbal products

(from Evans et al, 2005)

  • alfalfa
  • ginseng
  • dandilion
  • nettles
  • milkweed
  • hawthorne berries
  • oleander
  • foxglove

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Potassium regulation is described in detail here.



Potassium is injested and absorbed, and is moved intracellularly through the action of insulin.


The ratio of intracellular to excellular potassium is the major determinant of cell membrane resting potential. This resting potential is largely responsible for cardiac, nerve, and skeletal muscle function.


Small changes in extracellular [K] have a large impact on the cellular ratio, and as such, tight control of extracellular [K] is normally maintained. This is accomplished via the following factors:

These all increase K uptake by the Na/K pump.


Excretion by the kidneys is very dynamic in order to maintain effective K levels. This occurs at the level of the distal nephron - the connecting tubule and the collecting duct. The main factors are flow of sodium and chloride through the distal nephron, as well as action of aldosterone. Increased flow leads to increased secretion, which explains the mechanism of loop dieuretic drugs like furosemide leading to hypokalemia.



Effect on the Body

As homeostatic mechanisms are overwhelmed, extracellular potential increases. The excitable cells becomes partially depolarized, and the ability to generate action potentials is diminished.

Cardiac depolarization leads to slowed ventricular conduction and decreased action potential duration. Cardiac disturbances and ECG changes do not correlate well with K levels; rather, the rate of change in potassium levels appear to be very important in regards to cardiac consequences.

Neuromuscular depolarization can also lead to poor action potentials, with accompanying paresthesias and weakness.

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Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

  • history
  • physical exam
  • ECG changes
  • lab investigations


A careful history, with emphasis on diet and use of medications and laxatives, should be obtained. "No salt" is KCl, and is dangerous in larger amounts.

Patients are usually asymptomatic, but can develop:

  • nausea
  • palpitations
  • muscle weakness, often starting in legs
  • muscle cramping
  • paresthesias and numbness

Physical Exam

Signs of hyperkalemia include:

  • weakness
  • areflexia
  • ascending paralysis
  • hypoventilation

ECG Changes

ECG findings can include:

  • peaked, narrow T waves
  • widened QRS, and eventual merging with T wave
  • flattened or lost P waves
  • prolonged PR interval
  • AV block
  • sine wave
  • ventricular fibrillation
  • asystole

However, the sensitivity of ECG changes is low, and severe elevation can be accompanied by a normal ECG.

Lab Investigations

As time allows, repeat potassium levels to confirm the finding.

Renal function tests

Arterial or venous blood gases should be obtained to rule out acidosis.

Cortisol and aldosterone levels should be assessed if adrenal insufficiency is suspected.


Serum and urine should be assayed for electrolytes and osmolality. If GFR is normal, calculate transtubular potassium gradient (TTKG) = (UK/PK) / UOsm/POsm)

  • TTKG <7 - decreased aldosterone function
  • TTKG >7 - normal aldosterone function

In extrarenal hyperkalemia, renal potassium excretion should be greater than 200 mEq/day.

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WARNING: the following information should not be used without verifying with an experienced clinician, or referring to other resources.


Treatment depends on symptoms, ECG changes, and level of elevation, and rate of rise. The actual [K] and ECG changes do not absolutely depict risk, and thus defining 'emergency' hyperkalemia is difficult. However, as lethal consequences can be unpredictable, and as treatment is normally safe, intervention should be provided without any great delay if concern is present.


In general, consider admission with a K of >6 mmol/L.


Hold exogenous K and any medications which are K-retaining.


Cardiac Stabilization

The most rapid way of reversing cardiac membrane potential is to give calcium gluconate (1-2 amps, 10 mL of 10% solution). Calcium lowers the resting potential of cardiac cells, and in so permits normal function, even with hyperkalemia in place.

This is short lived (30-60 minutes), however, and does not lower serum [K]. It must therefore be followed by other therapies to shift K into the cells and decrease extracellular potassium concentration. ECG should be monitored.

Note: use extreme caution if digoxin toxicity is suspected.

If the patient is hyponatremic, they may also benefit from use of IV infusion of hypertonic (3%) saline.


Transcellular shifting

K can be moved into cells via many mechanisms:

Enhance K removal

Renal excretion can be enhanced by giving furosemide >40 mg IV; consider IV NS to avoid hypovolemia, which with further worsen hyperkalemia.

Sodium bicarbonate infusion given over 4-6 hours may enhance urinary excretion through alkalination (Weisberg, 2008).

Gut excretion can be increased by cation-exchange resins: calcium or Kayexalate (sodium polystyrene sulfonate); this is effective in 1-4 hours, and may be faster, though less effective, if given rectally. Constipation is very common, and intestinal necrosis is a rare, but serious, complication (Weisberg, 2008).

Dialysis can be done in renal failure or if life-threatening hyperkalemia is unresponsive to therapy. However, it may also induce ventricular arrhythmias, therefore requiring careful use and constant monitoring.

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Consequences and Course

In muscle, decreased action potentials leads to muscle weakness and paralysis.


Effects on the Heart

As plasma levels rise above 6 mM, T waves become symmetrically tented, with a sharp peak. The P-R interval lengthens and the P wave becomes smaller. Sinus bradycardia and conduction defects can also occur.

Above 8 mM, the P wave disappears and the QRS complex widens and merges with the T wave.

At higher concentrations, ventricular fibrillation can result and death can result.

The cell will have an easier time depolarizing if [K]i/[K]o is reduced .

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Resources and References

Evans KJ, Greenberg A. 2005. Hyperkalemia: a review. J intensive care medicine. 20:272-90.

Hollander-Rodriguez JC, Calvert JF. 2006. Hyperkalemia. Americal Family Physician. 73:283-90.

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