
last authored: Oct 2009, Dave LaPierre


Rubella, or german measles, causes adenopathy, or swollen lymph nodes.

It is caused by the rubivirus.



Classification and Characteristics




Transmission and Infection

Rubella is spread by respiratory droplets.

Incubation period is 14-21 days. Patients are infectious for 7 days pre-rash and 5 days post-rash.


Pathogenicity and Virulence


Clinical Manifesations

Rubella has a mild prodromal phase, with nospecific respiratory symptoms and suboccipital lymphadenopathy.

The rash of rubella is maculopapular. It begins on the face, spreading across the entire body. It is pruritic and disappears after the 4th day.

Infections may be subclinical, especially in young kids.


Complications in children and adults include:


Congenital rubella can occur with maternal infection within the first four months. It can cause serious, irreversible problems, including:



Diagnosis is made by serology using IgM. ntibodies may not be detected until 4-5 days after onset of rash.

