page sections

Assessment and Evaluation


This page will hold information for student preparing for evaluations or looking to assess their performance.

It will include MCQs, short-answers, and cases.


The organizational structure of this section will be important, as it will be extremely collaborative. Students will create resources and tag them with keywords (ie cardiac, family medicine, undergraduate). It needs to be simple, ie from a check box menu.

Perhaps students should also be able to rank and comment on items.


Perhaps curriculum and evaluation objectives should be different.


In-training evaluation

Need to sample the essential skills for the practice of the speciality.

Evaluation objectives are a subset and interpretation of the CanMeds roles. These need to be be functional. Language is criticially important to gain buy-in.

There needs to be regular evaluation with documentation. If this happens regularly, the evaluation descriptors come through.


Case discussions of regular clinical care suffices normally, though direct observation is also helpful.




Tools for Assessment



evaluations are summative, meaning they represent the judgement of a trainee's performance in relation to stated learning objectives. They are more formal and are required for advancement.

Evaluation is used to promote and to protect the public.


Feedback is formative, meaning it's role is to assist the learner. It is normally less formal, confidental, and non-threatening.

Feedback allows mistakes to be caught and addressed before they become solidified.


Tips on Taking Multiple Choice Questions

Anticipate common conditions and presentations. An uncommon presentation of a common condtion will be less likely than

always and never: avoid these answers


MCC advice on Key Features

MCC advice on MCQs


It would be great to have this section ready for the 2010 LMCC 1 exam. Will it be a stand-alone site? Perhaps.



When taking exams




Mr Fablicur

when walk into OSCE station, are given PMHx, Meds, Alls, Social, Healthy Living on a sheet. Walk in to "Undifferentiated Patient".

have OSCE be marked out of 5 points
hx (1)
px (1)
differential diagnosis (1-2)
treatment plan (1-2)
need to get 60% per station; debrief re: each

