Inflammatory Myositis

Inflammatory myositis describes polymyositis and dermatomyositis. The main feature is muscle inflammation.



Causes and Risk Factors






Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis


Gottron's papules

heliotrope rash - violet coloration of the eyelid

Shawl sign - maculopapular rash in mainly sunexposed areas

mechanic's hands - hyperkeratosis and cracking


multiple organs involved: muscles, skin, lungs, heart, GI tract



symmetric proximal muscle weakness

elevated serum muscle weakness

myopathic changes on EMG

characteristic muscle biopsy changes

typical rash with DM, as opposed to PM


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Consequences and Course

Increased incidence of malignancy, which can can occur before, during, or after.


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The Patient




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Health Care Team



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Community Involvement




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