Motivational Interviewing
Getting Motivation Started
We do many things because our motivation is feeling bad; when we work hard, we start to feel good, and when our motivation thusly disappears, we drop the behaviour.
Keeping it Going
We need to keep behaviour going; if negative feelings are short-term motivators, positive feelings are long-term motivators:
- health, control, and self-esteem
Assessing Motivation
"Do you want to take care of yourself?" is a superficial question; also need to ask
"why do you want to take care of yourself?" and
"how hard are you willing to work to take care of yourself?"
"how willing are you to make choices that might increase the burden temporarily in order to improveyour health in the long run?"
Assessing Behavioural Intention
Do you know this is a problem?
Are you distressed by this problem?
Are you interested in change?
Are you ready to change now?
Ask questions; minimize statements
- We've got about 3 miutes here.. what can you tell me about...?"
- "do you know what I would recommend?"
- "have you ever thought about..."
- "research shows that... Are you interested in this?"
- I've heard what you're thinking; do you want to hear what I'm thinking?
Express empathy
- let them know you understand their choices and behaviours
- "know I understand why you..."
Take a curious, non-judgmental stance
- "help me understand what went wrong"
Avoid arguing
- "yes, but" means "no, because" - you are in a motivational argument. stay away
- "remind me of why you want to change"
Roll with Resistance
- as things don't work out, see them as challenges to overcome
Support self-efficacy
- the best predictor of change is confidence
- find things the person knows they can do
Motivational Interviewing
Ask questions; minimize statements
- "do you know what I would recommend?"
- "have you ever thought about..."
- "research shows that... Are you interested in this?"
Express empathy
- let them know you understand their choices and behaviours
- "know I understand why you..."
Take a curious, non-judgmental stance
- "help me understand what went wrong"
Avoid arguing
- "yes, but" means "no, because" - you are in a motivational argument. stay away
- "remind me of why you want to change"
Roll with Resistance
- as things don't work out, see them as challenges to overcome
Support self-efficacy
- the best predictor of change is confidence
- find things the person knows they can do
Easier choice, harder behaviour
- bring up consequences of choices (ie seeing grandchildren grow) make the choice easier
- $100 dropped from neighbour's pocket - do you give it back?
Resources and References
Rubak S, Sandback A, Lauritzen T, Christensen B. 2005.