Open-Access Resources


What is Open-Access?

Open-access (OA) resources are designed to provide free access to users. It is online and digital. Authors normally retain the right to be identified as the creator of the work, and may choose to retain the right to a) the unalterability of their creation and to b) the prevention of commercialization of their creation.


It is NOT:

The PLoS shorthand definition —"free availability and unrestricted use"— succinctly captures both elements.


White House is increasingly behind open access:





SharingInHealth uses a creative commons license, and each of it's pages are identified as such at the bottom. Our license states users are free to:


You are free:

Under the following conditions:

We ask all contributors to agree to these conditions, and sign our contract stating such.


The Cochrane Library will begin releasing their publications to the OA world 12 months after publication; news release here.



Resources and References

Ellaway R, Martin RD. 2008. What's mine is yours-open source as a new paradigm for sustainable healthcare education. Medical Teacher. 30(2):175-9.


Open Access Overview - Peter Suber