site home


this is older stuff, and I've moved on past most of it.


Goals and Aims


What is the Role of Health Care?

To inform about available choices.

To advise on choices (if ever appropriate?).

To provide access to choices.

To act on a person's behalf when they are deemed incapable of doing so on their own.


To develop and facilitate dedicated, equipped, and effective interprofessional and multi-sectoral partnerships in health care.

To quote Dalhousie physician and researcher Dr. Stan Kuchner, ' a simple soulution to a complex problem is likely to be wrong'. Attempts to intervene in individual and social instances of injustice must be well-thought out and followed through.


Mission Statement:

To provide the means for everyone to make informed choices about health and illness, personally and professionally.


Ethic of This Site

I am deeply committed to supporting people as they learn about health and disease and make choices that affect them.

This site has three areas of focus: clinical care, health literacy, and global health. While each is designed for specific populations, there is significant interrelationship among them.

A: It is imperative that we work as hard as we can to ensure patients and the public understand health and disease. Both training and resources to facilitate "health and disease translation" are needed.

B: The developing world is facing a critical shortage of health care workers. While we as Westerners have a role to play in providing care, increased training of local people to provide care to their neighbours is a priority.

C: A lack of education, coupled with sometimes misguided beliefs about diseases such as HIV, demonstrate the need for effective resources in the developing world.



The following diagram shows distinct but connected aspects of illness, recovery, and health (in green).

These sites will present information to help inform these areas of focus. Knowledge and wisdom, who knows what to do with those.


Medicine Site Ideas

Integrative: human biology, disease, and health care (version 4.352)


Accessible: information should be within 5 clicks

Understandable: focus on images, illustrations, animations, and videos; clear, simple text


This site is aimed at






Case Studies

Nead easily accessible cases that are understandable (and therefore 'sellable') within 20 seconds to catch people's attention and keep it.