Preventing Crashes

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Preventing Crashes is a training program designed to provide in-hospital training opportunities for nurses and doctors to recognize and effectively respond to life-threatening circumstances.













  • Biology foundations
  • Tab 2

Biology foundations


We are working with students and faculty at Western University to offer foundational content related to anatomy and physiology, in order to support an understanding of our clinical topics.

We are pairing undergraduate students with graduate students or medical students for initial authoring. Content is then reviewed by a professor, resident, or doctor before going online.


Progress towards our topics is as follows:



Undergrad Student?

Grad/Med Student?


cardiovascular overview


heart structure



heart as a pump



electrical control of the heart




blood pressure


arterial system


venous system




respiratory overview


lung structure


pulmonary blood flow




gas diffusion and transport


respiratory control




Content 2



Resources and References

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"I had some anxiety about a code that was called while I was on my shift in the ICU that I did not run too. I thought I should but I was inhibited by a fear of standing out while I ran to the code and fear over what I would do when I got there. I was wondering if you've ever felt like this and if you could share some of your code experiences. I really want to buck up and hull ass to get to them but I'm nervous. I feel like I certainly know enough to be of assistance or even run it if I had to but I just experienced some sort of block."