Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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The Case of...


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Worldwide, 1/3 of the world's population is infected with TB, and over 16 million existing cases of disease and 8 million new cases occur each year. It is an important complication in patients with AIDS.

Countries with the highest TB prevalence are found in Southeast Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and Eastern Europe, although resurgence is occurring in many developed countries.


Risk factors for TB exposure include:

Risk factors for active TB include:

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Classification and Characteristics

M. tuberculosis is a slightly curved or straight bacilli. It is aerobic, non-motile, and slow-growing (doubling time 18h).

The bacterium is known as acid-fast due to high concentration of mycolic acids (lipid) in cell wall that withstands decolorization

Most strains grow on relatively simple media; some are fastidiuous and some cannot be cultured.

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Transmission and Infection


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Clinical Manifesations


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Resources and References

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