Normal Flora

last authored: Feb 2010, David LaPierre
last reviewed:




Normal flora is the community of organisms that normally exist on and in humans. Normal flora differ among people and parts of the body.


  • skin
  • mouth
  • upper GI tract
  • lower GI tract
  • genitourinary


  • gram positive
  • coagulase negative -Staphylococci
  • diphtheroids
  • yeasts
  • anaerobes
  • coliforms between knees and belly button





The oropharynx is colonized by many microorganisms. This is often transient, as antibodies are developed and eliminate the pathogen.

  • Streptococci
  • Neisseria
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • anaerobes
  • Haemophilus








normal throat culture


Upper GI tract

  • coliforms
  • enterococci
  • anaerobes
  • lactobaccili


Lower GI tract

Over 700 species.

Digest insoluble carbohydrates, providing some short-chain sugars for colonic absorption.

Also produce a good amount of vitamin K.


  • anaerobes
  • coliforms
  • enterococci


The genitourinary tract is colonized by many of the same organisms as the GI tract.
















normal urine culture