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Portfolios are a collection of data, primarily derived from assessments, that attest to various areas of competence.
Some of the materials can include:
It is clear that ongoing and close involvement of a preceptor mentor is required for the construction, expansion, and understanding of a portfolio.
Portfolios have traditionally been used in formative assessment, though their application to advancement (eg summative assessment) is increasing (Schuwirth and van der Vleuten, 2004).
A blueprint for developing and implementing a portfolio, at least within the Americal internal medicine context, has been published (Donato and George, 2012).
The competency-based assessment system (CBAS), at the University of Alberta, uses formative feedback, guided self-assessment, and regular face-to-face meetings in a learner-driven manner (Ross et al, 2011).
A learning tracker should be refined over time, involving users (Ross et al, 2012).
Obstetrics residents have used an evaluation system called E*Value to demonstrate small improvements in OSTE scores (Keller et al, 2012).
Portfolio-based learning encourage experience and reflection during learning, with the aim of causing deep learning which impacts thinking, behaviour, and performance.
Portfolios include a "documentation of learning, an articulation of what has been learned and a reflective account of the events documented." (Snadden and Thomas, 1998)
The role of the trainer/supervisor is critical. Flexibility, mentorship, and support are needed!
A system must be designed so as to not take very much time.
Buckley S, Coleman J, Davison I, Khan KS, Zamora J, Malick S, Morley D, Pollard D, Ashcroft T, Popovic C, Sayers J. 2009. The educational effects of portfolios on undergraduate student learning: a Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) systematic review. BEME Guide No. 11. Med Teach. 31(4):282-98.
Schuwirth L, van der Vleuten, C. 2004. Merging views on assessment. Med Educ. 38:1208-10.
Donato AA, George DL. 2012. A blueprint for implementation of a structured portfolio in an internal medicine residency. Acad Med. 87(2):185-91.
Keller JM et al. 2012. Using a Commercially Available Web-Based Evaluation System to Enhance Residents' Teaching. J Grad Med Educ. 4(1): 64–67.
Ross S, Poth CN, Donoff M, Humphries P, Steiner I, Schipper S, Janke F, Nichols D. 2011. Competency-based achievement system: using formative feedback to teach and assess family medicine residents' skills. Can Fam Physician. 57(9):e323-30.
Ross S, Poth CA, Donoff MG, Papile C, Humphries P, Stasiuk S, Georgis R. 2012. Involving users in the refinement of the competency-based achievement system: an innovative approach to competency-based assessment. Med Teach. 34(2):e143-7.
Snadden D and Thomas ML. 1998. The use of portfolio learning in medical education. Med Teacher 1998. 20 (3):192-9.