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Essays are popular in many settings, though should be used very cautiously due to risks of validity and reliability.
Essays are primarily used to assess a student's ability to fashion thoughts and present them effectively. They can also measure attitudes, opinions, or beliefs.
Scholarly work continues to prize extended written endeavours, from journal articles to books. As such, the skills developed through essay writing continue to be valuable.
Perhaps the most obvious drawback is the time required to mark essays. Other concerns include relaiability of marking.
Essays can be of an extended nature, where ideas and concepts need to be outlined and expanded upon.
They may also be restricted, where the goals and thoughts are kept brief.
Those marking the essay can provide feedback in a number of ways. Comments can be written in margins, referencing particular parts of the essay. A structured assessment tool can also be helpful in assisting the learner in understanding their work, and how to improve upon it.