Introduction to Mental Health


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While a significant proportion of the global burden of disease is caused by neuropsychiatric conditions, and the majority of these patients live in low-resource settings, most do not receive the treatment they need (Lund et al, 2012). Even though there are well-defined, cost-effective treatment strategies, work remains to be done in understanding how these treatments should be delivered, especially within a primary care context.



perhaps organize into:


There is much disability below the diagnostic threshold.


common mental disorders: impairments weich, 1997)

account of 1/3 of work days lost due to illness, and 1/5 of general practice consultations.


SDQ parent and teacher report: 25 items of positive and negative


McMaster offers psychotherapy training (Nick Cates (sp)).



Primary Care

As many people have a family physician with whom they have a longstanding relationship, the trust that builds up means GPs are often the only confidential confidante patients have. Also GPs often know other family members and the relationships that are present.

GPs provide much of the care for anxiety, depression, personality disorders, and others. However, due to the years of training and experience required, GPs often do not provide psychotherapy, which also takes much time. Renumeration is an oft-cited barrier, and boundries for patients due to these concerns become important.

Psychiatrists tend to care for people with psychotic disorders or manic depression. ...



Shared care

In some settings, psychiatrists and other professionals are available to consult with GPs and their team regarding care of patients with mental illness. Timely access by GPs leads to improved integration of care.

Maintaining the point of care with GPs also means other physical concerns are less likely to be overlooked.

big barrier: how GP gets paid (fee for service) space allocation, expenses, etc




Development affects mental health; mental health affects development


There are conditions specific to children.

Forms of presentation can vary.

There can be substantial effects on development, and vice versa.

Family context is hugely important. Problems kids face can have a huge impact on the family, as family dynamics is very important too.


Outcomes are measured more in terms of school and developmental milestones.


Developmental Assessment

How parents were raised will affect how they raise their kids; ideally, a three generation history should be done

It is often best to meet the parents and children together, then kid alone, then parents alone




0-2 years

2-5 years

5-12 years


late adolescence


Causes of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Concerns



Evaluation of Children

Evaluation of Adolescents




What is Needed

experience for roll-playing




Lund C et al. 2012. PRIME: A Programme to Reduce the Treatment Gap for Mental Disorders in Five Low- and Middle-Income Countries. PLoS Med 9(12): e1001359.


WHO - mhGAP Intervention Guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health settings


Basic Health Needs - manuals for MH


WHO 2011 - Mental Health Atlas

15 minute hour

Psychological First Aid: Guide for Field Workers

WHO Guidelines for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings


TED talks - All kinds of minds


Where there is no Psychiatrist

Where there is no Child Psychiatrist

Essential Health Links: MH and Psychiatry