Acute Coronary Syndrome

last authored: Dec 2010, Sean Doran
last reviewed: Jan 2011, David LaPierre




Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) describes three different but related conditions in which heart tissue dies - a heart attack - or is at very high risk of death. Each share a common pathological process of insufficient oxygen and nutrients reaching the heart. Myocardial infarction (MI) refers to the death (infarction) of heart cells, while in unstable angina cell death has not yet occurred, but is at very high risk of occurring.

MI is a leading cause of morbidity and death in affluent countries, and increasingly around the world. In Canada, 35% of deaths are due to ACS. Nearly 10% of MIs occur in people under the age of 40, and almost half affect people under 65% (ref).


Heart attacks can be of two types :

Again, the third condition described as ACS is unstable angina.


ACS can result in immediate death if damage is severe enough. Patients who survive can be left with significant loss of heart function. However, if diagnosis and intervention are prompt and effective enough, lasting damage can be slight, or not at all.




The Case of Fred Z.

Fred is a 68 year-old man who develops nausea and a vague chest discomfort after supper. He blames it on indigestion, but half and hour later his chest pain becomes much worse and he collapses. His wife drives him to the hospital.

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Causes and Risk Factors

Acute coronary syndromes typically result from a disruption of an atherosclerotic plaque in a blood vessel.

Risk factors for ACS therefore are those of atherosclerosis, and include:

Less common etiologies include any instance where there is significantly increased demand on the heart coupled with poor myocardial perfusion (i.e. trauma with massive blood loss, anemia, infection, etc.). These less common cases are not the focus of this discussion.

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main article: atherosclerosis


Myocardial infarction, by Shannon Young

More than 90% of ACS results from disruption of an atherosclerotic plaque, with subsequent acute inflammation, endothelial damage, platelet aggregation and thrombus formation. This leads to severe or complete occlusion of the vessel. The other 10% are due to intense and prolonged vasospasm, sometimes related to cocaine abuse, emboli, or idiopathic.


Occlusion can lead to unstable angina (ischemia without myonecrosis) and/or myocardial infarction (ischemia resulting in myonecrosis or infarct).  In ST elevation, total coronary artery occulusion has occurred, leading to necrosis.

Note, it is the acute inflammatory process that precipitates ACS, not the severity of underlying coronary artery disease prior to the event.   Furthermore, the inflammatory process often leads to increased central and sympathetic nervous system activation which results in vasomotor hyper-reactivity and coronary vasospasm - exacerbating the insult to myocardial tissue. 


Inadequate tissue perfusion results in myocardial ischemia when the oxygen demand of myocardial tissue exceeds the supply.  Oxygen consumption at the level of myocardial tissue is dependent on four physiological parameters: heart rate, afterload, contractility, and wall tension.

In other cases, vasoconstriction or vessel spasm, occurring in epicardial or subendocardial vessels, will lead to ischemia.


Arterial inflammation, caused by infection or other causes, can also lead to plaque growth and disruption.


  • plaque disruption
  • tissue infarction
  • territories

Plaque disruption

Most often, ACS results from abrupt disruption of a previously only partially stenosed plaque, which undergoes any of the following:

  • rupture/fissuring, exposing highly thrombogenic plaque constituents
  • erosion or ulceration, exposing thrombogenic basement membrane
  • hemorrhage into the plaque, expanding its volume

Frequently, within minutes, the lumen is completely blocked.


Those that undergo abrupt disruption often are only mildly to moderately stenosed. A rather large number of asymptomatic adults therefore are at risk of ACS. It is also increasingly clear that plaque disruption and thrombosis can occur in silent repetitive waves.


The triggering events are complex and poorly understood, but include plaque characteristics, blood pressure, and platelet reactivity. Adrenergic increases in blood pressure or local vasospasm can be lethal. Awakening and arising leads to the peak incidence of MI occurring between 6am-noon. Emotional stress can also contribute to plaque disruption, illustrated by the increase in sudden death following disasters.


Inflammation is also very important throughout the process of atherosclerosis. T cells produce TNF, IL-6, and IFN-gamma, stimulating endothelial cells and activating macrophages. Macrophage secretion of metalloproteinases weaken the fibrous cap and can lead to rupture.


Vasoconstriction can be mediated by adrenergic factors, platelet activation, and possible inflammatory mediators.

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Signs and Symptoms

  • history
  • physical exam


Symptoms of ACS vary considerably, and can be vague, especially in women or people with diabetes.


Chest symptoms can include:

  • pain
  • heaviness
  • pressure
  • tightening

Radiation of discomfort can include:

  • left arm or shoulder
  • shoulder blades
  • neck or jaw
  • upper abdomen

Symptoms can arise or worsen with exertion.

Other symptoms can include:

  • diaphoresis
  • generalized weakness, fatigue, and dizziness
  • dyspnea
  • nausea, vomiting
  • anxiety, or feelings of extreme unease
  • new or unusual indigestion



  • at least 15 minutes of ischemic chest pain at rest
  • worsening of previously stable effort angina, ie frequency, severity, or duration
  • history of recent (2 mo) onset of CCS class III or IV angina


Clinical characteristics that raise the likelihood of cardiac chest pain include:

  • dull, pressure-like retrosternal chest discomfort
  • duration approximately 2 to 5 minutes
  • gradual onset
  • reproducible/exacerbated with exertion
  • pain not reproducible with palpation


In 10-15% of people, particuarly the elderly and those with diabetes, silent MIs are only discovered later by ECG changes, usually new Q waves.


Particular attention should be paid to risk factors for cardiovascular disease:

  • male gender
  • increasing age
  • smoking history
  • hypertension
  • diabetes mellitus
  • hypercholesterolemia
  • family history of cardiovascular disease (first degree relatives, male < 55 y & female < 65 y)
  • substance abuse (particularly cocaine abuse)

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The history and physical exam are crucial components of the assessment of any patient presenting with possible ACS. However, these should be obtained expediently as definitive diagnoses require electrocardiac studies and laboratory investigations.

  • lab investigations
  • diagnostic imaging

Lab Investigations

Serum markers of myocardial injury are also an important component of the ACS work-up. In an emergency department setting, these are most useful in patients with a non-diagnostic ECG yet the clinician retains a strong clinical suspicion for myocardial injury.


Fatally injured myocytes leak proteins into the blood. These include myoglobin, troponins, creatine kinase-MB, lactate dehydrogenase, and others. The preferred biomarkers are cardiac-specific, particularly the troponins. An absence of change in CK within 2 days essentially excludes MI. Reperfusion acceletates biopmarker presence due to enzyme washout.


For appropriate interpretation, serial measurements are usually obtained every 6 - 8 hours until levels have peaked.


troponin-T -I, and -C

  • much more sensitive
  • begins to rise 3-4 hours, peaking at 12-36 hours
  • remain elevated 7-10 days after event


creatine kinase-MB

  • former gold standard
  • begins to rise with 2-4 hours ,peaks at 24 hours
  • returns to normal within 72 hours, much shorter than the troponins



  • cleared quickly by kidneys



BUN (kidneys)



Before reperfusion: protrombin time (PT) and partial thromboplastin time (PTT) to ensure extrinsic and intrinsic clotting pathways are ok


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Differential Diagnosis

Main article: chest pain

The differential diagnosis of chest pain is extensive and includes:

  • cardiac
    • acute myocardial infarction
    • stable/unstable angina
    • pericarditis
    • myocardial contusion
    • aortic disseection
  • respiratory
    • pneumonia
    • pneumothorax
    • pleurisy
    • pulmonary contusion
    • pulmonary embolism
    • pulmonary hypertension
  • gastrointestinal 
    • Boerhaave's syndrome
    • peptic ulcer disease
    • esophageal spasm
    • cholecystitis or biliary colic 
    • gastroesophageal reflux disease
    • gastritis or esophagitis
    • Mallory-Weiss syndrome
    • pancreatitis
  • other
    • musculoskeletal pain
    • herpes zoster

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If less than 12 h, with ST elevation or new LBBB, consider reperfusion. Within 90 minutes of presentation, PCI is preferable. Reperfusion can salvage tissue and limit infarction, as cell death takes 6-12 hours to fully occur. The first 3-4 hours are critical. Reperfusion within the first 15-20 minutes can prevent all necrosis. The old saying "time is myocardium" serves as a reminder that the longer the delay to reperfusion (when appropriate) the more extensive the myocardial damage will be.

  • acute
  • fibrinolytics
  • catheterization
  • chronic treatment

Once the clinician suspects acute coronary syndrome, a number of treatments (barring contraindications) should be initiated - beginning with an assessment of the patients airway, breathing and circulation.


Bedrest and telemetry

Acute treatment for suspected ACS include (pneumonic MONA)

Treatment with the following drugs should also be considered (with regard to vital signs, co-morbidities, etc.):

  • antiplatelet agents - both ASA and clopidogrel
  • anticoagulants - low molecular weight heparin, or heparin
  • beta-blockers - if/once hemodynamically stable
  • nitrates - sublingually or IV
  • IV fluid resuscitation if hypotensive
  • vasopressor support if cardiogenic shock is present
  • angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors should be started within 24 hours
  • statin should be started within 24 hours

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Consequences and Course

In-hospital mortality has declined from 30% in the 1960's to 10-13% today. Half of deaths occur within 1 hour of symptom onset.

Poor prognosis factors include advanced age, female gender, siebetes mellitus, and previous MI.

Nearly 75% of people have one or more complications, which include:

ventricular remodeling includes progressive changes in size, shape, and thickness of the heart, leading to initial benefit but later impairment.


Cardiogenic shock can arise 3 days later:


ACS patients have a high early recurrence rate which then levels off. Treat aggressively early.


Reperfusion is the best way to salvage ischemic heart tissue, but can lead to arrhythmias, contraction bands (supercontraction of already dead cells), or reperfusion injury. This is mediated, at least in part, by free radicals.

Not dead ischemic myocardium can remain stunned or hibernate.


in NS, one year mortality:

UA: 8%

STEMI: 17%


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Resources and References

Andreoli et al. Cecil Essentials of Medicine 7th Ed. Saunders Elsevier. Philadelphia 2007.

Marx et al. Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice 7th Ed. Mosby Elsevier. Philadelphia 2010.

Porter et al. The Merck Manual of Patient Symptoms: A Concise, Practical Guide to Etiology, Evaluation, and Treatment. Merck & Co., Inc. New Jersey 2008.

Tintanalli, JE Emergency Medicine (A Comprehensive Study Guide). McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. USA 2004.

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Topic Development

authors: Sean Doran, Caleb Zelenietz

reviewers: Una Doran, David LaPierre


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