Blood Pressure Measurements

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Malta medical student, used with permission

This is another one of those fundamental things about medicine. Blood pressure is an important thing, and hypertension is not rare.

Learn how to do this as soon as possible!

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Seated, feet flat, back supported, for 5 minutes.

No caffeine, tobacco, or food within 30 minutes of BP reading.

Ask about shunts or fistulas, mastectomies.


First palpate the pulse while inflating the cuff to avoid the ausculatory gap. Begin assessing the blood pressure at 10 mmHg at the point where the pulse disappears.

The bladder should be centred on the brachial artery. The arm should be supported at the same size of the heart.

Use the bell, as it transmits sound better.

Cuff size is important - bladder length should be 80% of arm circumference.

Take 2-3 readings 2-3 minutes apart.




Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurements





Resources and References

New England Journal of Medicine Jan 2009 video (Williams JS et al, 2009)

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